Despite her busy schedule, Alma Jones tries her best to live her life to the fullest. Aside from her job as a doctor, she is also passionate about fashion, cars, music, gadgets, and everything else in between. She is a writer for online health sites and print health magazines and journals, while juggling several health blog guestings whenever her time allows it.

Alma Jones is a fashion blogger for Small Weddings Rock. She is also a fashion blogger for Smashion. She contributes tech and music articles to Neublack, an avant-garde website that artists go to for inspiration. Jones is also a contributor to the now-defunct Carchatclub. During her spare time, she helps her gamer friends manage a MMORPG blog, Gamergroundz, choosing to remain anonymous instead of staying in the limelight.

Alma Jones looks forward to doing more and being more; after all, if there is anything she has learned to value as a doctor, it is life and its brief but breathtaking reality.